About Sack Farming
Large size vertical bags thats are filled with manure, soil and small stones that enable water to drain and have holes in them where stem seedings are planted is called sack farming. Its is very popular in India in many states. Sacks farming is also known as Smart Farming.
Sacks farming is good for crops that do not take long period to mature, not bushy, have shallow roots and do not grow too tall.
Why Sacks Farming??
What crops can be grown in sacks?
Most suitable for growing vegetables such as
- Kales
- Spinach
- Potatoes
- Onions
- Tomatoes
- Okra
- Eggplant
Our Team
Together we take the challange to do new things
The benefits of teamwork include increased efficiency, the ability to focus different minds on the same problem and mutual support.

Asaram Kamble
Founder Director & Trainer
World Harvest Services

Sachin Kasbe
Master Trainer
World Harvest Services

Vishwas Salve
Team Administrator
World Harvest Services

Nitin Hiwale
Field Coordinator
World Harvest Services

Sack Farming in India
(Indian History)
The innovative approach of farming vegetables in sacks by utilizing the vertical space, which takes up little space on the ground offers an alternative to traditional vegetable gardens
Sack farming involves filling a series of bags with soil, manure, and pebbles for drainage, and growing plants on the top and in holes in the sides. The sacks allow people to grow food in places with limited access to arable land and water.
The method helps increase vegetable production and consumption at household level, enhance food security and generate income. Sack farming has the potential to be replicated in spaces like urban gardens or roof gardens anywhere in the world using local crops.
Photo Gallery
Some pics for your reference.

Some dramas and some reality in motion picture.
Online Training for Sack Farming
By considering the above consequences we have come up with few easier technologies
where the urbanites
can grow their own food without any chemical impact on their body
Features of the Training
- To discover the best way of urban farming
- To exploit minimum space – maximum yield through Integrated Nutrient Management
- To learn the secrets of easy and simplest gardening methodologies
- To develop urban farming skills with lot of fun and play
- To frame an idea of soil preparation and container selection
- To experience the skills and techniques of plant care
- To learn Recycling and re-using techniques – to be eco-friendlier
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